




●開催日時:2024年7月13日(土)~ 7月15日(月祝)

●Dates: From July 13th (Sat) to July 15th (Mon/ Holiday)
●Venue: Mima, Omachi City, Nagano Prefecture

* English will follow below.

1)  2)  3)  4)  5)  6)  7)  8)  9)
1) 美麻地区の俯瞰  Overview of Miasa Area
2) 美麻から眺めた北アルプスの山々 Northern Japan Alps Mountains viewed from Miasa
3) 空き家の整備 Renovation of abandoned (Vacant) House
4) 空き家の整備・廃材を使った薪割り作業 Renovation of abandoned (Vacant) House and making of fuel woods using disposed materials
5) 萱の自生地(屋根を葺く材料)Thatch Field to get material for roofing
6) 棚田(手入れが行き届いていない) Half abandoned rice terrace to be restored
7) 公園の整備 Construction of a public natural park
8) 茅葺屋根の葺き替え作業 Roofing
9) 鹿皮による民芸品(クマよけ鈴)Folk art made by deer skin (bell to avoid bear attack)





⑥その他 雨天時のプログラムも計画中

① 7月13日(土)
11:50 美麻ぽかぽかランド集合
12:00 昼食兼オリエンテーション
  13:00 活動開始
17:00 活動終了 入浴・夕食準備
  19:00 夕食
  12:30 1日目の振り返り
② 7月14日(日)
  6:00 起床 朝食準備
  7:30 朝食
  9:00 活動開始 (12:00 昼食準備)
  12:30 昼食
  13;30 活動再開
  16:30 活動終了  入浴・懇親会準備
  19:00 懇親会
③ 7月15日(月・祝)
   6:00 起床 朝食準備
   7:30 朝食
   9:00 活動開始 (12:00昼食準備)
  12:30 活動終了 昼食
  13:30全体の振り返り 終わりの会
  15:00  解散

* 長野駅・信濃大町駅から特急バスに乗車してください。長野駅発11:00 美麻着11:46。信濃大町駅発11:00 美麻着 11:22
* 長野までは新幹線、夜行バス、特急しなの(名古屋・大阪方面)をご利用ください。
* 昼食は長野、大町で購入してきてください。

* 長野駅・信濃大町駅まで特急バスに乗車してください。美麻発15:15 長野駅着16:01。美麻発15:10信濃大町着15:40

●バス時刻表 (アルピコ交通)

 寝袋、お泊りセット(歯磨きセット、タオルなど)、作業着(長袖、長ズボン)、軍手、長靴(作業に適した靴)、帽子、雨具(上下別のレインジャケット、レインパンツは防寒着にもなって便利)、日焼け止め、防寒着(朝晩は多少冷えるので、薄手のフリース等、羽織れるもの) 米(一食1合×6食=6合=1,080cc)

※ 2,500円は、宿泊場所の施設利用費その他雑費です。到着時に徴収します。
※ 食費(米を除いた副菜分)は6食分です。到着時に2000円程度あらかじめ徴収し、事後精算します。また、交流会の飲み物代は参加者から別途徴収します(700円程度)。

 林 薫 (はやし かおる)


* 申込締切:7月8日(月)
* 定員:14名
* 保険:NICE非会員の方はワーク前にボランティア保険への加入をオススメします。
* 親子参加:可(ただし未就学のお子様のご参加はご遠慮ください。
* 英語での対応:可

メール:林 薫 (はやし かおる) kaoru.hayashi@nifty.com globallearning2100@gmail.com

【The first-ever program in Miasa, Omachi City, Nagano Prefecture】
    Let's work with local people to tackle challenges in hilly and mountainous areas facing aging and depopulation.

◇Recommended for people like this◇
+ Those who are interested in such issues as the declining birthrate, aging and dwindling population.
+ Those who are interested in regional development that makes use of regional resources.
+ People who like to move their bodies in nature.
+ Those who like mountain villages, those who want to refresh in mountain villages, and those who are considering migrating into mountain villages.
+ People who don't have time to participate in international workcamp but want to feel like a workcamp on weekends.

●The background:
 The Miasa area is in a beautiful mountain terrain surrounded by mountains of around 1000m in northern Nagano Prefecture. 3000m peaks of “Northern Japan Alps” such as Kashimayariga-take and Karamatsu-dake stand in the west of the Area. The name Miasa comes from the historical fact that it once flourished through the production of hemp (asa). Miasa is meant “Beautiful hemp”. These hemp products were sent to the Imperial Treasury (Shosoin) as early as the 8th century. Now, Soba and flower beans are current specialties. Miasa Village used to be an independent entity though, it became a part of Omachi City on January 1, 2006, due to the central government’s policy to reduce the number of local governments. The population and number of households in the district are 828 and 323 (August 2023) (http://miasa.info/).
Although it is currently a part of Omachi City, the local NPOs/NGOs such as Miasa Self-governing Council for Regional Development and Association for Regional Development of Miasa continue to make various regional development efforts utilizing local resources. The Miasa Integrated Primary and Secondary School (1st to 9th grade) runs a community school and promotes the development of flower beans-related businesses as a part of its school education program, collaborating with the regional community and aiming at human resource development to nurture proactive and independent citizens. In addition, the school is carrying out a “Study in Remote Village Program” inviting students from all over Japan. The school also continues biennial mutual visits with Mendocino, California, USA. As a result of these efforts, many people have migrated and settled here from all over Japan and even from outside of Japan. Now new immigrants consist of about half of the total villagers. But like all the villages in mountainous areas in Japan, they are facing the problem of declining birthrate, aging, and dwindling population resulting in scarcity of human power to sustain the local community. In fact, not only developed countries but also developing countries are starting to face similar problems. In this sense, Miasa is at the forefront of a global issue.
Under these circumstances, we can think and act together with the locals on the real issues and deepen exchanges. We planned this work camp with the aim of solving problems in the region and the world. This will be the second work camp to be held in the Mima district. This program is organized through cooperation with the NPO and with the support of everyone involved, including Omachi City Government.

● Work content, etc. (Depending on the weather and the situation on the day, the following work will be carried out according to the priority)
(1) Sorting materials after demolition of vacant houses (during fine weather/rainy weather)
(2) Renovation of a vacant house to make a hostel for volunteers
(3) Renovation of a vacant house to make a lodge for travelers
(4) Mowing of abandoned farmlands or farmlands in need
(5) Restoration of thatched roofs (when the weather is fine)
(6) Other activities (including programs for rainy days)

① The 13th of July (Sat)
11:50 Meet at Mima Poka Poka Land 
12:00 Lunch and orientation
13:00 Activities to start.
17:00 End of activities Bathing/preparation for dinner
19:00 Dinner
20:30 Review of the first day 
② The 14th of July (Sun)
6:00 Wake up, Breakfast preparation.
7:30 Breakfast
9:00 Activities to start (12:00 lunch preparations)
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Activities to be resumed.
16:30 Activities to end (Prepare for bathing/social gathering)
19:00 Social gathering
③ The 15th of July (Mon. Holiday)
6:00 Wake up, Breakfast preparation.
7:30 breakfast
9:00 Activities start (12:00 lunch preparation)
12:30 Activities to end Lunch to start.
13:30 Overall review meeting and closing.
15:00 Dissolution

◇Recommended for people like this◇
+ Those who are interested in such issues as the declining birthrate, aging and dwindling population.
+ Those who are interested in regional development that makes use of regional resources.
+ People who like to move their bodies in nature.
+ Those who like mountain villages, those who want to refresh in mountain villages, and those who are considering migrating into mountain villages.
+ People who don't have time to participate in international workcamp but want to feel like a workcamp on weekends.

●Meeting date, time and place: 7/13 (Sat) 11:50 Mima Poka Poka Land
* Take the limited express bus from Nagano Station or Shinano-Omachi Station.
* Departure from Nagano Station at 11:00 Arrival at Mima at 11:46
* Departure from Shinano-Omachi Station at 11:00 Arrival at Mima at 11:22
* To Nagano, please use the Shinkansen, night bus, or limited express Shinano (from Nagoya and Osaka).
* Please purchase lunch in Nagano or Omachi.

Dissolution date and time: 7/15 (Mon. Holiday) 15:00
Take the express bus to Nagano Station or Shinano-Omachi Station.
Departure from Mima at 15:15 Arrival at Nagano Station at 16:01
Depart Mima 15:10 Arrive at Shinano-Omachi 15:40

● Bus timetable (Alpico Kotsu)
(Nagano↔Hakuba) https://www.alpico.co.jp/traffic/express/nagano_hakuba/
(Nagano↔Omachi) https://www.alpico.co.jp/traffic/express/nagano_omachi/

●What to bring:
* Sleeping bag, overnight set (toothbrush set, towel, etc.), work clothes (long sleeves, long pants), work gloves, boots (shoes suitable for work)
* Hat, rain gear (separate top and bottom rain jackets, rain pants are convenient to prevent coldness as temperature may suddenly drop), sunscreens. It's slightly cold in the morning and evening. You are advised to put on something like thin fleece.)
* Please bring rice (1 go x 6 servings = 6 go = 1,080 cc)

● Participation fee: 2,500 yen plus food expenses (local settlement)
* 2,500 yen will be corrected upon arrival for the accommodation.
* Food expenses (side dishes excluding rice) are for 6 servings. About 2000 yen will be collected in advance at the time of arrival and will be settled or adjusted at the end of the workcamp.
* In addition, the drink fee for the exchange party will be collected separately (about 700 yen).

● Team leader: Kaoru Hayashi
    Until March of this year, I was teaching international development at a university. I am now retired and working as a private consultant. I have visited about 60 countries around the world, and I have found that the problems of the declining birthrate, aging population, dwindling population, and accompanying shortage of essential workforces in communities, which have been serious problems in Japan for the past 20 years, are starting to occur in many parts of the world. I planned this work camp with the goal of connecting with the world while helping solve problems in Japan. We look forward to having your active participation.

● Application: Kaoru Hayashi (kaoru.hayashi@nifty.com, globallearning2100@gmail.com)
    Please let us know the following in the remarks column! ① Name ② Telephone number ③ Email address ④ NICE member/non-member ⑤ Transportation (including arrival time) ⑥ Place of residence
* Application deadline: July 8th (Mon)

●Capacity: 14 people
〇Insurance: Non-members of NICE are recommended to enroll in volunteer insurance before starting work.
〇Parent-child participation: Possible (However, please refrain from participating in preschool children.
〇 English support: Yes