国際ボランティアNGO NICE(ナイス)は
- 国際ボランティアNGOのNICE トップ>
- ウクライナと世界の平和を強く求める、緊急声明とアクション - ロシア軍によるウクライナ侵攻に強く抗議し、一刻も早い停戦と対話による平和的な問題の解決を求めます。私達も微力は無力ではないと信じ、可能な限りの行動に取り組みます。共感・賛同する全ての方々に協力を呼びかけます。
ウクライナと世界の平和を強く求める、緊急声明とアクション - ロシア軍によるウクライナ侵攻に強く抗議し、一刻も早い停戦と対話による平和的な問題の解決を求めます。私達も微力は無力ではないと信じ、可能な限りの行動に取り組みます。共感・賛同する全ての方々に協力を呼びかけます。
特定非営利活動法人NICE(日本国際ワークキャンプセンター) 職員・理事一同
① 戦争が一刻も早く終わり、犠牲ができるだけ小さくなるための緊急行動(例:各種署名・抗議活動への参加や推進。効果的な不買運動)
② 戦争に巻き込まれ、被害を受けたウクライナとロシアの一般市民への緊急支援(例:ポーランドで避難民を受け入れる提携団体への寄付の推進)
③ 両国民を含む地球市民と共に行う、相互理解や反戦のアクション(国際ボランティアを日本で行ったウクライナ人やロシア人、ウクライナで行った日本人とも連携して)
④ 現地や周辺地域の提携NGO・友人等から届く、状況や活動に関する情報の紹介・発信(例:Alternative-Vの職員や隣国に避難した関係者家族の話。避難民受入の活動)
⑤ 停戦後、ウクライナや周辺地域にて復興に向けた、国際ボランティア活動の企画/日本人ボランティアの派遣(例:復旧作業や難民シェルターへの長期ボランティアの派遣。日本への避難者へのサポート)
● 3/26(土)~27(日)に、ウクライナの方を招いて「Stand with Ukraine」特別週末ワークキャンプを新宿→横浜で開催しました。またその中で3/26(土)夜には、オンラインでも参加できる「Stand with Ukraineナイト」も行いました(報告はこちらのP2へ)。
● 横浜市では、ウクライナからの避難民を市営住宅等に受け入れる構想があります(報道例)。実現した場合は、当市に本拠を持つNICEとしても、彼らの生活や地域への参画を応援する活動もしていきたいです。
● 7/18(月)にオンラインで「世界平和アクション・ナイト」を開催し、10ヶ国から27名が参加しました☆ミャンマーの国内避難民支援と共に、ウクライナの犬猫達を守る活動をご紹介(月例報告・8月号のP2をご覧下さい。)
● 現在までに23名から238,900円もの、貴重なご支援を頂きました。誠にありがとうございます。引き続き募集は続けております!そして①50,000円を5/12に特活)日本ウクライナ友好協会 KRAIANYを通じて、現地で緊急の医療支援、食料支援に充てました。②104,372円(700 EUR)を9/23に現地提携NGO・Union Forumを通じて、行き場を失った動物(犬・猫)の保護や、壊された建物に暮らし寒さに震える人々への毛布の提供に充てました。
● ALLIANCE(ALLIANCE of European Voluntary Service Organisations)理事会の声明(英文)
It is more difficult to speak about peace when your neighbour country is an aggressor led by the dictatorship. Unfortunately in this situation Ukrainians have to defend own land, freedom, sovereignty and fate. A lot of russian military troops are at this moment in the Northern, Eastern and Southern parts of Ukraine. Their aim is to occupy Ukraine and to change political power to pro russian one.
After their attacks, there are a lot destroited strategical, military and civil objects. But Ukrainians have united in front of a common enemy and heroically defending themselves and inflicting damage on the barbarians from Russia. As of today, about 5,000 Russian soldiers have been killed, wounded or taken prisoner in Ukraine. Now, on the border with Belarus, negotiations will be held to de-escalate the conflict. We hope for a positive result and the withdrawal of all Russian troops from Ukraine.
We ask organisations from Alliance to support informationally and to help in all possible way to stop this war and to help Ukraine yo defend. Unfortunately russians were for many years fed with the certain picture - “truth” that was beneficial for its leader only. Now to stop them we also need to bring them a reality - what is going on our land and what is done by their dictator.
● ポーランド SCI(3/1付)
Only yesterday, on one day, 100 000 Ukrainians came to Poland. Those coming now are almost exclusively women and children. There are many individual and group initiatives popping around all over Poland. Hundreds of volunteers taking people in cars and buses from the border crossings, crowdfunding for refugees and those who are in Ukraine. Help is massive. Just to give you an example, 5 minutes walk from my flat alone there are two huge crowdfunding spots collecting items and meds which are sent to Ukraine every few days. Also in our office of SCI Poland there is a small crowdfunding spot organized by an ngo with which we share the space - items are collected by Ukrainian families that came to Poznań last weekend. Many people also offer their flats to the refugees or host them in their homes. We also cooperate with an animal shelter that takes animals who cannot be hosted together with the people that they came with. There are many personal connections between Polish and Ukrainian people and also many Ukrainians who already lived in Poland and they organize help, too.
According to the information given by people organizing help at the railway station in Przemyśl, Poland, 20 minutes by car from Shehini/Medyka border crossing close to Lviv, in Ukraine, for now around 95% of those crossing the border already know where exactly they are going (to friends, family, people who know someone they know and offered to host them etc.). The remaining 5% are those who require help, among them people of colour, many of them African students who fled Ukraine and don't know where to go. Of course, with time it will probably change and there will be more refugees who have no one here.
On the border things are very chaotic. Transport from the border crossing is not well coordinated, most rides are just offered by people who come with their means of transport and put the name of the city on a piece of paper. At some border crossings there are too many drivers/cars and at some there are not enough (and it's dynamic so difficult to react fast enough). Also some crowdfunding actions don't make much sense. For example many people collect and bring clothes to the border and no one needs it. It just piles up there and turns into a dump. Also too much food is brought there and most of it goes bad. So this is something which is not needed for sure.
We're in contact with volunteering groups and NGOs organizing help in Poland and in Ukraine and making what possible to support them. For now what's most needed is sending medicaments and other medical materials to Ukraine. I don't know if you can organize any help in this area. If any of you are interested in helping with this, we could discuss the details, how it could be done. We are in touch with groups that organize transports to Ukraine as well as with volunteering groups in Lviv. If you have some other ideas of how you could get involved and support Ukrainians, please, write and we’ll share our opinion and see if/how we could help with this.
We also recommend to support this organization which is helping refugees a lot on the Ukrainian-Polish border (and also Belorusian-Polish border) now: — Fundacja Ocalenie You can transfer money through Facebook: You can share this info in your channels and support them. They are doing great job.
As for the contact with the former SCI Ukrainian branch - SVIT, I am in touch with two people, one currently out of Ukraine but planning to come to Poland and organize help. Lena is at the moment in Kharkiv where most of the people hide in basements or in a subway these days. It's the second biggest Ukrainian city and for a few days under heavy bombardment. Today she wrote that it is not safe to go outside at all.
● スロバキア INEX(3/3付)
As all of you (probably) know Slovakia is allowing cross our border to all people fleeing from Ukraine. On the border with Ukraine there is great cooperation between police, soldiers, doctors, fire department, mayors and of course NGOs and their volunteers. NGOs helping there are professionals in this field and they know what they are doing.
You maybe know somebody fleeing from Ukraine or you maybe see that somebody is looking for help in Slovakia. That’s why we would like to share with you official webpages and numbers where they can find necessary information about border crossings, staying in Slovakia, accommodation, work, healthcare, schools, covid-19. There are info also for those who want to get to another country and Slovakia is for them only temporary shelter. Most of the pages are in Ukrainian, English and Slovak. All these info they will get also directly after crossing the border.
Border crossing, staying in Slovakia, leaving to another country
The League for Human Rights (information to foreigners and refugees about stay, visas and asylum in several languages)
Non-governmental assistance
Accommodation from hotels and state
Help also for foreigners fleeing from Ukraine
● ドイツ IJGD(3/3付)
We all are dismayed and stunned by the attack on Ukraine, that are still going on. Our thoughts are with all people in Ukraine affected by this war; with all Ukrainians and Russians who stand for peace and especially with our friends and partners in the Ukraine!
During the last days, our association has developed some positions on which our actions are based during this time. We would like to share some main points with you. At the level of partnerships this means – first of all – solidarity with our partners in Ukraine.
Furthermore ijgd takes part in appeals in our networks and associations. We call for monetary donations and provide assistance concerning donating. We support calls and actions that specifically want to help with convoys at the border and we participate in local offers of help. On a pedagogical level, we address the war in our seminars, support and give space for own actions that volunteers might create or take part in; we also give them offer to talk about- and process the reports and pictures of the war.
In general, we support the welcoming of refugees, regardless of their origin. We stand for peace and for the strengthening of civilian forms of conflict resolution. We take part in peaceful demonstrations that declare solidarity with Ukraine. We support the protests in Russia and admire the courage of the people in Russia who are committed against war and show solidarity with them.
● Abel Poloseさん(和訳版を3/12公開)
● ベルギー SVI(3/18付)
𝗜𝗻 𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗿𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝗔𝗻𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗮 – 𝗦𝗩𝗜 (Svi Asbl - Service Volontaire International )
It is with great sadness that we inform you of the death of Anastasia, a russian volunteer at our 2015 BIFFF. She was killed during the bombing of the Kiev TV Tower on the 1st March 2022 in Ukraine.
She had contributed as a volunteer to our 2015 edition through the SVI and had put all her energy into making it a success. Rage, pain and indignation. Such a pity that life can end just like this. Thank you for everything you gave, Anastasia. The BIFFF family will always be grateful to you. May you rest in peace
𝘗𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘰𝘴 : 𝘋𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘦𝘯 𝘛𝘶𝘳𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘯
特定非営利活動法人NICE(日本国際ワークキャンプセンター) 職員・理事一同
① 戦争が一刻も早く終わり、犠牲ができるだけ小さくなるための緊急行動(例:各種署名・抗議活動への参加や推進。効果的な不買運動)
② 戦争に巻き込まれ、被害を受けたウクライナとロシアの一般市民への緊急支援(例:ポーランドで避難民を受け入れる提携団体への寄付の推進)
③ 両国民を含む地球市民と共に行う、相互理解や反戦のアクション(国際ボランティアを日本で行ったウクライナ人やロシア人、ウクライナで行った日本人とも連携して)
④ 現地や周辺地域の提携NGO・友人等から届く、状況や活動に関する情報の紹介・発信(例:Alternative-Vの職員や隣国に避難した関係者家族の話。避難民受入の活動)
⑤ 停戦後、ウクライナや周辺地域にて復興に向けた、国際ボランティア活動の企画/日本人ボランティアの派遣(例:復旧作業や難民シェルターへの長期ボランティアの派遣。日本への避難者へのサポート)
● 3/26(土)~27(日)に、ウクライナの方を招いて「Stand with Ukraine」特別週末ワークキャンプを新宿→横浜で開催しました。またその中で3/26(土)夜には、オンラインでも参加できる「Stand with Ukraineナイト」も行いました(報告はこちらのP2へ)。
● 横浜市では、ウクライナからの避難民を市営住宅等に受け入れる構想があります(報道例)。実現した場合は、当市に本拠を持つNICEとしても、彼らの生活や地域への参画を応援する活動もしていきたいです。
● 7/18(月)にオンラインで「世界平和アクション・ナイト」を開催し、10ヶ国から27名が参加しました☆ミャンマーの国内避難民支援と共に、ウクライナの犬猫達を守る活動をご紹介(月例報告・8月号のP2をご覧下さい。)
現地や周辺地域での提携NGOの応援を中心とする、上記のアクションに対する寄付を1円から募集します。ご協力をお願いいたします!募集頁はこちら(随時更新します)。● 現在までに23名から238,900円もの、貴重なご支援を頂きました。誠にありがとうございます。引き続き募集は続けております!そして①50,000円を5/12に特活)日本ウクライナ友好協会 KRAIANYを通じて、現地で緊急の医療支援、食料支援に充てました。②104,372円(700 EUR)を9/23に現地提携NGO・Union Forumを通じて、行き場を失った動物(犬・猫)の保護や、壊された建物に暮らし寒さに震える人々への毛布の提供に充てました。
● SCI(Service Civil International)の声明(英文)1920年発足の国際ボランティアNGOで、約40ヶ国に支部があります。NICEはパートナーNGOです。
● ALLIANCE(ALLIANCE of European Voluntary Service Organisations)理事会の声明(英文)
● ウクライナ Alternative V(2/28付)It is more difficult to speak about peace when your neighbour country is an aggressor led by the dictatorship. Unfortunately in this situation Ukrainians have to defend own land, freedom, sovereignty and fate. A lot of russian military troops are at this moment in the Northern, Eastern and Southern parts of Ukraine. Their aim is to occupy Ukraine and to change political power to pro russian one.
After their attacks, there are a lot destroited strategical, military and civil objects. But Ukrainians have united in front of a common enemy and heroically defending themselves and inflicting damage on the barbarians from Russia. As of today, about 5,000 Russian soldiers have been killed, wounded or taken prisoner in Ukraine. Now, on the border with Belarus, negotiations will be held to de-escalate the conflict. We hope for a positive result and the withdrawal of all Russian troops from Ukraine.
We ask organisations from Alliance to support informationally and to help in all possible way to stop this war and to help Ukraine yo defend. Unfortunately russians were for many years fed with the certain picture - “truth” that was beneficial for its leader only. Now to stop them we also need to bring them a reality - what is going on our land and what is done by their dictator.
● ポーランド SCI(3/1付)
Only yesterday, on one day, 100 000 Ukrainians came to Poland. Those coming now are almost exclusively women and children. There are many individual and group initiatives popping around all over Poland. Hundreds of volunteers taking people in cars and buses from the border crossings, crowdfunding for refugees and those who are in Ukraine. Help is massive. Just to give you an example, 5 minutes walk from my flat alone there are two huge crowdfunding spots collecting items and meds which are sent to Ukraine every few days. Also in our office of SCI Poland there is a small crowdfunding spot organized by an ngo with which we share the space - items are collected by Ukrainian families that came to Poznań last weekend. Many people also offer their flats to the refugees or host them in their homes. We also cooperate with an animal shelter that takes animals who cannot be hosted together with the people that they came with. There are many personal connections between Polish and Ukrainian people and also many Ukrainians who already lived in Poland and they organize help, too.
According to the information given by people organizing help at the railway station in Przemyśl, Poland, 20 minutes by car from Shehini/Medyka border crossing close to Lviv, in Ukraine, for now around 95% of those crossing the border already know where exactly they are going (to friends, family, people who know someone they know and offered to host them etc.). The remaining 5% are those who require help, among them people of colour, many of them African students who fled Ukraine and don't know where to go. Of course, with time it will probably change and there will be more refugees who have no one here.
On the border things are very chaotic. Transport from the border crossing is not well coordinated, most rides are just offered by people who come with their means of transport and put the name of the city on a piece of paper. At some border crossings there are too many drivers/cars and at some there are not enough (and it's dynamic so difficult to react fast enough). Also some crowdfunding actions don't make much sense. For example many people collect and bring clothes to the border and no one needs it. It just piles up there and turns into a dump. Also too much food is brought there and most of it goes bad. So this is something which is not needed for sure.
We're in contact with volunteering groups and NGOs organizing help in Poland and in Ukraine and making what possible to support them. For now what's most needed is sending medicaments and other medical materials to Ukraine. I don't know if you can organize any help in this area. If any of you are interested in helping with this, we could discuss the details, how it could be done. We are in touch with groups that organize transports to Ukraine as well as with volunteering groups in Lviv. If you have some other ideas of how you could get involved and support Ukrainians, please, write and we’ll share our opinion and see if/how we could help with this.
We also recommend to support this organization which is helping refugees a lot on the Ukrainian-Polish border (and also Belorusian-Polish border) now: — Fundacja Ocalenie You can transfer money through Facebook: You can share this info in your channels and support them. They are doing great job.
As for the contact with the former SCI Ukrainian branch - SVIT, I am in touch with two people, one currently out of Ukraine but planning to come to Poland and organize help. Lena is at the moment in Kharkiv where most of the people hide in basements or in a subway these days. It's the second biggest Ukrainian city and for a few days under heavy bombardment. Today she wrote that it is not safe to go outside at all.
● スロバキア INEX(3/3付)
As all of you (probably) know Slovakia is allowing cross our border to all people fleeing from Ukraine. On the border with Ukraine there is great cooperation between police, soldiers, doctors, fire department, mayors and of course NGOs and their volunteers. NGOs helping there are professionals in this field and they know what they are doing.
You maybe know somebody fleeing from Ukraine or you maybe see that somebody is looking for help in Slovakia. That’s why we would like to share with you official webpages and numbers where they can find necessary information about border crossings, staying in Slovakia, accommodation, work, healthcare, schools, covid-19. There are info also for those who want to get to another country and Slovakia is for them only temporary shelter. Most of the pages are in Ukrainian, English and Slovak. All these info they will get also directly after crossing the border.
Border crossing, staying in Slovakia, leaving to another country
The League for Human Rights (information to foreigners and refugees about stay, visas and asylum in several languages)
Non-governmental assistance
Accommodation from hotels and state
Help also for foreigners fleeing from Ukraine
● ドイツ IJGD(3/3付)
We all are dismayed and stunned by the attack on Ukraine, that are still going on. Our thoughts are with all people in Ukraine affected by this war; with all Ukrainians and Russians who stand for peace and especially with our friends and partners in the Ukraine!
During the last days, our association has developed some positions on which our actions are based during this time. We would like to share some main points with you. At the level of partnerships this means – first of all – solidarity with our partners in Ukraine.
Furthermore ijgd takes part in appeals in our networks and associations. We call for monetary donations and provide assistance concerning donating. We support calls and actions that specifically want to help with convoys at the border and we participate in local offers of help. On a pedagogical level, we address the war in our seminars, support and give space for own actions that volunteers might create or take part in; we also give them offer to talk about- and process the reports and pictures of the war.
In general, we support the welcoming of refugees, regardless of their origin. We stand for peace and for the strengthening of civilian forms of conflict resolution. We take part in peaceful demonstrations that declare solidarity with Ukraine. We support the protests in Russia and admire the courage of the people in Russia who are committed against war and show solidarity with them.
● Abel Poloseさん(和訳版を3/12公開)
● ベルギー SVI(3/18付)
𝗜𝗻 𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗿𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝗔𝗻𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗮 – 𝗦𝗩𝗜 (Svi Asbl - Service Volontaire International )
It is with great sadness that we inform you of the death of Anastasia, a russian volunteer at our 2015 BIFFF. She was killed during the bombing of the Kiev TV Tower on the 1st March 2022 in Ukraine.
She had contributed as a volunteer to our 2015 edition through the SVI and had put all her energy into making it a success. Rage, pain and indignation. Such a pity that life can end just like this. Thank you for everything you gave, Anastasia. The BIFFF family will always be grateful to you. May you rest in peace
𝘗𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘰𝘴 : 𝘋𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘦𝘯 𝘛𝘶𝘳𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘯
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