
日付 カテゴリ 記事
2024/04/25 海外 Summer activities with children at the Don Bosco Youth Center in Brussel 子どもたちと夏の余暇活動。スポーツや遠足
2024/04/25 海外 Utopiacity- Building the future today
2024/04/25 海外 Intercultural activities at the Natoye Refugee Center 難民施設で子ども活動(ナトワ村)
2024/04/25 海外 Back to the roots II (Bernkastel-Kues near Koblenz)
2024/04/25 海外 Never again fascism! Never again war! (Buchholz near Hamburg)
2024/04/25 海外 Working on a History Trail (Zeithain between Leipzig and Dresden)
2024/04/25 海外 Solar-Power (Lellwangen near Lake Constance)
2024/04/25 海外 Maintenance of a nature trail for children and young people
2024/04/25 海外 Help implement the Tale Festival of Chiny!”
2024/04/25 海外 Let's rebuild a French Fortress
2024/04/25 海外 Vallersund g?rd, Fosen
2024/04/25 海外 Vard?hus museumsforening, Vard?
2024/04/25 海外 Environmental restoration of urban infrastructure in Girona
2024/04/25 海外 Recovery of ancient path in the Pyrenees
2024/04/25 海外 Restauration of protected Catalan wetlands
2024/04/25 海外 St. Iscle's Castle: looking for a past
2024/04/25 海外 Reading life in the rocks
2024/04/25 海外 Beyond the vineyard: the stone heritage
2024/04/25 海外 Na Fir Bolg! A Solidary and alternative festival 3日間の音楽フェス準備や参加。都市訪問も