• 短期ワークキャンプ
  • CAT0424
  • スペイン
  • 2024/08/11(日)~2024/08/25(日)

コード CAT0424
開催期間 2024/08/11(日)~2024/08/25(日)
背景 In this work camp participants will have the opportunity to
learn and share experience in a multicultural environment
while acquiring archealogical and cultural knowledge,
and in the meantime, enjoying the wildlife of the surrounding.
仕事内容 The main task for the participants of this work camp consists
in putting in place some excavation and restoring activities in the remaining areas around the St. Iscle Castle in Vidreres.
宿泊 the accommodation is in the ''Escola Salvador Espriu'', one of the Primary Schools in Vidreres (located about 15 minutes walk from the village center). The place where participants will sleep is the sport gym of the school and they’ll use other facilities: kitchen, dining room, toilets, showers.
場所 Vidreres
Closest airport: Airport of Barcelona
企画 there will be various free time activities offered to the participants, such as: visits to "Lloret", "Estanys de Sils" or "Montseny" area.
追加登録費 50 EUR(募集時のレートでは約8,400円)を現地到着時に現金払い
備考 Hard work? - No! The work is suitable for everyone in normal
physical condition.
Motivation letter? It is not necessary, but would be appreciated to get to know you more.
Don't forget comfortable clothes for the technical work!
募集人数 24人
主催者・支援機関詳細 カタロニアは人口600万、中世には独立国で、近年も独立の気運が高い。独自の自治・言語・文化を持つ。COCATは国際ワークキャンプを主な活動とする新団体。若者達が余暇の一部を、環境や文化財の保護のボランティア活動にあてる場作りが目的。数年前にスペインの団体から独立して、運営を始めました。年令は資格に表記がなければ、18-29才。
